It's FLASH BACK FRIDAY!! Today we'll dig up an old post from our blog's archives to share with you again! There's some good stuff in there. Today it's our 7 Unique Uses for Verse Trays post from November 12, 2009. Check it out!

7 Unique Uses

Our most inexpensive items can be used for a multitude of different things! Here are our 7 favorite ways we like to use our verse trays.

Mottahedeh has over 40 different verse trays all with their own unique, touching, sentimental or humorous phrase. Use one by the front door for your keys, near the bathroom or kitchen sink for rings and jewelry, or in your office for paperclips and stamps. They're the perfect size for candy and nuts, or spare change emptied from pockets at the end of the day.
They also make great hostess, "thinking of you" gifts, or stocking stuffers.

Most verse trays are $35. Find a complete list of them on our website here: CLICK
Make it Yours!