Alice is shrunk, but now what does she do? She eats the "eat me" cookies and grows! We made our own "eat me" cookies and butterflies out of sugar cookies, frosting, and edible dye.
These little beauties aren't hard to make, but take a lot of time. Rolling, cutting, and baking a bunch of small cookies takes a few hours. Decorating takes even longer so make sure you have a few helpers for this edible craft project!
I like to add lemon extract to my sugar cookie recipes. Adds a pleasant and unexpected flavor to daintily decorated sweets. If your cookie dough is sticking, leave it in the fridge for a couple of minutes before rolling out. If you cool them again after they've been cut they won't puff up as much and loose their shape.

To make the edible paint combine:
1 cup powdered sugar
2 teaspoons milk
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
assorted food coloring
1/4 teaspoon almond or lemon extract

Separate the white frosting into smaller bowls and mix with as many different colors as you'd like to use. We thought 5 colors to choose from was enough.

If you combine colors before the frosting as set, they will melt into each other and look like stained glass. If you prefer that colors stay distinct, wait until the first layer sets and then continue on with the detailing.

The finished goods!

We felt our R. Haviland & C. Parlon Syracuse dinner plates fit perfectly with our Alice in Wonderland themed Unbridal Shower . Get yours here: CLICK

Syracuse Blue Dinner Plate
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Syracuse Rose Dinner Plate (HP61134) - $230